2021 has passed and for #OldSurfer it was an unforgettable year, full of waves to celebrate.
– We started 2021 with a new client, Tri Marine, a world leader in the sustainable TUNA industry.
– We are the only agency in the world that conducted a global study on consumer behavior and sustainability, with a base of more than 5,000 interviews that generated press in media outlets such as Forbes, Adlatina, etc.
– We obtained two Bronzes in the Green Awards, the largest sustainability festival in the world, something like “the Oscars of sustainability”. The first Bronze award was with Granjazul Plus, the first egg in Central America endorsed by the UN. The second Bronze award was for the #SmileWithYourEyes case, an initiative that emerged during the pandemic and became a movement that is still active.

– We entered the European market as the integrated agency for the U.S. and Canada for the Government of Catalonia and also won the largest European positioning project for sustainable growth with the “Choose Europe” initiative. It brings together 12 of the most important cities in Europe that are leading the conversation around business and sustainability, thus becoming experts for our clients’ most important target in Europe; the C-Suite.
– For the third year in a row, we led the PR conversation on World Oceans Day, this time adding engagement with our #DolphinsForOceans campaign.

– We created a new sustainable business model through consumer behavior: The Nudge.
– We launched #SustainabilityWaves, our own cycle of interviews with change agents who will lead sustainability conversations around the world in the coming years.

– We were chosen by the International Egg Commission (IEC) to run their global #Vision365 campaign.
– We are a member of #TerraCarta, the Prince of Wales’ global initiative for companies committed to sustainable change.

And although 2022 has just begun, we are already finalists with Granjazul and the first sustainable female soccer team in Guatemala and Latin America in the Green Awards in the category of Human Development / Health. Yes, we were selected from among 2,600 cases!

Let’s go all out for an even bigger 2022, because this is sustainability and everything we have lived, achieved and learned, will serve us for whatever comes our way in the future. Thank you from the entire #OldSurfer team! #SustainabilityUnlocked.