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2021 Worldwide Sustainability Trends
2020 was the year when we all had plans and these planes shook or completely collapsed as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic was announced. Family, friends, and dreams were taken from us. But this was also a year that opened up our eyes to the world consequences of the pace of life we have nowadays. Thank to this, the “action decade” began, to approach the goals of the United Nations Global Compact towards 2030.
2020 is over and the pandemic is still here. But we only have less than 9 years to accomplish the goals of this Compact. Something that would allow us, all the planet Earth inhabitants, to be able to live a dignified life.
That is why we, Old Surfer, along with our associates and clients, encourage CEOs and managers all over the world to take over the commitment that we all should. To implement universal sustainability principles and actions that speed up the change towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the UN.
We are proud of pooling concrete actions that follow the sustainability trends tied to the Global Compact towards 2030. Our work with Bonafont regarding inclusion matters. With Granjazul, implementing sustainable processes in order to reduce the effect of climate change and malnutrition in Guatemala and the entire world. Or with Bonafont Juizzy, realizing an action during the pandemic that helped a lot of taco shops, the most local and typical commercial units in México, to survive the crisis.

We still have a long way ahead of us, but we are pleased to be the pioneers tracing the path. We want to share this document that we prepared specially for you about sustainability trends in 2021. All this with the purpose of continuing inspiring brands and companies, no matter how big or small, to make a difference. Not only in their industries, but in the entire world.

Information sources that supported the creation of this document: