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International Women’s Day

By Old Surfer

A cross with a head. You can say, with good reason, that it is a basic perception or an impulsive interpretation, but at Old-Surfer we did not see only a cross with a head in the female symbol. Yes, we know that formerly, this symbol represented the goddess Venus or Aphrodite, an allegory of beauty and love, a graphic synthesis of this attribute of the goddesses. But coming back to the present, you can see this “female” symbol everywhere: on book covers, necklaces, t-shirts, even in emojis, and always in reference to the female gender. Somethings change for the better, and today the symbol is a representation of feminism, the pride in being a woman, and the pride in sisterhood. Either way we still saw a cross with a head, we are a company that loves transformation and that is why for International Women’s Day we put legs on it.

Why legs? Because it is much more than a symbol, it expresses a movement. The idea of an International Women’s Day emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. The activists wanted to establish a special day for the fight for women’s rights worldwide, as a date to remind people of gender inequalities in society.

But in 2021 -according to the UN-, the year’s theme for International Women’s day is: “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”, and “celebrates the tremendous efforts by women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

As we can see, it is a symbol that has grown throughout history and shows that it’s a living and active movement. One that advances day by day, so yeah, we think an icon like this which has become the representation of a movement, needed legs. Legs to stand up and fight for equal rights, legs to move and run for women’s rights for decision-making in all areas of life such as equal pay, equal sharing of unpaid care and domestic work, an end to all forms of violence against women and girls, and health-care services that respond to their needs. The world has made amazing advances during our history, but in the meantime according to the UN, “legal restrictions have kept 2.7 billion women from accessing the same choice of jobs as men. Less than 25% of parliamentarians were women, and one in three women experience gender-based violence”.

Let’s make 2021 count for women and girls everywhere. Let’s do it again like the last time, when at Old Surfer we contributed with our work to the digital communication of “Carrera Bonafont” the largest women’s race in the world, created by the best-selling water in Mexico to contribute -as a change agent- for equal rights for women.

Today, on International Women’s Day, we are ready to run again for equal opportunities for Mexican women, and for women from all over the world. Today, we want to promote our efforts for the movement and share with you a new empowering perception for this gender symbol. As G.D Anderson said, “Feminism is not about making women strong, it is about changing the world’s perception of that strength.”

#8M #IWD2021#WomensDay8march